Monday, August 19, 2013

Well, that wasn't the plan...

The plan for today: I was going to try and sleep in, have a leisurely morning, eat breakfast, do my hair and make up, give myself enough time to get lost on my way to a meeting that should only take a half an hour or so, walk back home, eat a late lunch/early dinner, and then prepare myself for work tomorrow.

What actually happened: I woke up at 7, ate breakfast, had a nervous morning, did my hair and make up, left with way too much time to spare, ended up walking around the block for an hour and still getting to my meeting 15 minutes early. I then wait for an hour for the woman I was supposed to meet with only to be introduced to everyone as "the newest addition to out staff." Then, caught completely by surprise, I got thrown into work...for four hours. I was not dressed, nor ready to work with 30 kids for 4 hours at a school I've never been to, with staff I've only met 5 minutes ago, and with a program I have not been trained in. It was chaotic and confusing (and fun...but shhhh). And to top everything off: I NEVER GOT MY MEETING! But the kinder director told me I was great with the kids and wants me to teach for a rotation tomorrow, so yay. 

Moral of this story: When you go with the flow and have a "I'm ready for anything" attitude, you end up getting complimented. And let's face it: that's all anyone really wants in life. 

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