Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today was a Wonderful Day

This morning didn't start out great... I spent a good 2 or 3 hours scouring craigslist for a second job. I was adding possibilities in tabs so I could further read and possibly bookmark for later. After going through and deciding which ones I would be interested, I probably had just under 30 tabs open; each with a viable job opportunity. And then chrome decided to crash. And close all of my tabs. And leave me with my jaw open, staring at my desktop in complete shock. Three hours of productive work: GONE. 

So no, this morning didn't go so well. But work was a completely different story. I got to work and felt comfortable... I felt like I knew where to go, what to do, and who to talk to. My boss informed me of the lessons I was teaching and I bantered with my coworkers while I helped prep for the afternoon. The kids were wonderful today as well. They listened for the most part, they participated in every activity, AND they stayed in line quietly....without me telling them to!!! If you have ever worked with kids, you know what a feat that is. I obviously gave them all stickers cause I was so proud of my little munchkins. 

After work, I went to dinner in West Hollywood at Kitchen 24 with Cynthia and Laura. Oh my goodness was it delicious. I had the turkey burger with chipotle mayo and avocado....sooooo good. I love getting to explore new places in this monster of a city. And I am so glad I have a handful of friends in the area that I get to explore them with. 

Overall, today was a great day. I think my awesome time at work outshone my morning. I am quite nervous for tomorrow, for I am working with the older kids and have yet to decide what lesson I will have them do, but that's a story for another day. 


  1. Chrome has an awesome feature when you open the New Tab page: "Recently Closed" in the bottom right. It'll open everything back up if it ever crashes on you again!

    But also yay for the awesome rest of your day!! :D

    1. Thank you for letting me know about that!! It's really too bad I couldn't have used it yesterday morning.
