Saturday, May 17, 2014


Every few months, I like to switch things up on myself. Sometimes it's moving to Southern California, sometimes it's quitting my jobs. I think I get bored with the same thing day after day. I get stir crazy, and feel the need for change. 

Keep your socks on, everyone, I am not moving again (at least not for a while). But I did leave my jobs. A few weeks ago, I decided that I needed something more full-time. It's been on my mind for months, and I no longer felt like I could ignore it. I put in my two-weeks notice and began searching for something new. Luckily enough, I found it. 

A preschool in the neighborhood called to set up an interview. When I went, it was like I had found home. The directer was wonderful, and everyone I met was so friendly. When we got around to the questions, I was nervous, but it felt less like an interview and more like talking amongst friends. I left with a good feeling about it. Three hours later, she called me to offer me the job! 

It's a bittersweet experience, for I will dearly miss the kids I've worked with this past year. Some of the goodbyes were terribly hard, but I pinky promised to go back and visit from time to time. And as most of you know, those promises are sacred. 

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