Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A LUSHious Reading

A simple trip to the Lush store on the Third Street Promenade turned into the most enlightening experience of my life. While walking along the promenade, Cynthia and I decided to go into Lush and sample all of the delicious smelling products. We happened upon this wheel of colors and were instantly intrigued. The woman working there asked if we had ever taken a spin. With our curiosities piqued, we both agreed to give it a try. She had us close our eyes and block out any colors or images. Then, when the wheel stopped turning, we were to open our eyes and pick out the first three colors to stand out to us. I picked a baby blue, a dark blue, and bright coral red...and yes, apparently the order is important in this game.

1. Your strength (or weakness): Calm
As she continued to go into detail, Cynthia was freaking out over how accurate this was. Can anyone guess what my reaction was? Yup, I was calm. It was funny to hear Cynthia, a friend I've known for four years now, explain just how accurate this part of the reading was. I guess that is something I never noticed about myself. Looking back, it makes sense, but hearing it from someone else was illuminating. 

2. Your subconscious: Motivation
While Cynthia was slightly dumbfounded by this one, it stunned me with how right it was. Because of the facade I tend to build up, I think most people assume I'm a motivated person. The truth is, this is something I have to work on and rediscover constantly. It seems like every day I need to find a new motivation just to get out from under the covers. 

3. Your aspiration: Ambition
Just the other day I was having a conversation with Cassie about my strong desire to achieve something more with my life. I was describing this ambition to do something amazing and make a difference. So, to say this reading was accurate would be an understatement. 

I left the store in a state of awe. I felt like I had just experienced a legitimate psychic reading, when in all reality it was just a place to buy bath products. It was an extremely unexpected, yet eye opening experience and it's days like these where I am convinced I'm on the right path. 

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