1. Your strength (or weakness): Calm
As she continued to go into detail, Cynthia was freaking out over how accurate this was. Can anyone guess what my reaction was? Yup, I was calm. It was funny to hear Cynthia, a friend I've known for four years now, explain just how accurate this part of the reading was. I guess that is something I never noticed about myself. Looking back, it makes sense, but hearing it from someone else was illuminating.
2. Your subconscious: Motivation
While Cynthia was slightly dumbfounded by this one, it stunned me with how right it was. Because of the facade I tend to build up, I think most people assume I'm a motivated person. The truth is, this is something I have to work on and rediscover constantly. It seems like every day I need to find a new motivation just to get out from under the covers.
3. Your aspiration: Ambition
Just the other day I was having a conversation with Cassie about my strong desire to achieve something more with my life. I was describing this ambition to do something amazing and make a difference. So, to say this reading was accurate would be an understatement.
I left the store in a state of awe. I felt like I had just experienced a legitimate psychic reading, when in all reality it was just a place to buy bath products. It was an extremely unexpected, yet eye opening experience and it's days like these where I am convinced I'm on the right path.
still in shock.. fun day!