Every day on my walk to work and back I see this man on the corner of the street. He sits at the bus stop and there's a ton of luggage and trash bags next to him, chained to the side of the bench. I'm fairly certain that everything he owns is packed in those bags. And I'm pretty sure he spends each night sleeping on that bench with just a blanket for comfort.
Even after having an absolutely horrible day, this man, whoever he is, stood out to me. There was a spark in me that wanted to do something.After years of social and psychology classes and years of volunteering, I'm at a standpoint. I don't know what to do. There is a war going on within myself. Do I bring this man breakfast or a hot drink after my trip to starbucks in the morning? Or is that completely demeaning? Would he view this as a helping hand or a hand-out? This is one of those moments where I could really do something to help; something more than just the occasional breakfast or lack thereof. But what?
If anyone has an opinion or suggestion on the matter, let me know.
It's always hard to know how a nice action might be interpreted. Maybe just say "Hi" and ask him how he's doing? Some people might see a gift of food or money as condescending, but everyone likes being treated respectfully and politely. Plus, a convo with you would brighten anyone's day, and heck maybe you'll make a friend and he'll brighten yours too!