Saturday, November 16, 2013

8 things you may or may not know about me:

1. As much as I laugh, when I'm absurdly happy I tend to cry.
2. I could spend hours upon hours in a bookstore.
3. I've never been in love, but it's something I would like to experience one day.
4. The only thing I miss about college is being constantly surrounded by friends.
5. I have a gift for justifying things I want, but always finding excuses to not purchase things I need.
6. I struggle with depression every day of my life.
7. My favorite number is 7, my favorite letter is "e" and my favorite punctuation is an ellipsis.
8. At 23, I've never felt so lost as to who I am or what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. I'm at a constant war between not wanting to grow up, and realizing that that in order to achieve what I want in life, growing up is inevitable.

(Thanks, Kelsey for giving me a number!)

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