Monday, September 23, 2013

Oh, what a beautiful morning...

Life has a funny way of working out sometimes. I was sick this weekend. Like stuck in bed, didn't want to eat anything, had to use my asthma inhaler, didn't change for two entire days... that kind of sick. So this morning, when my alarm went off at 5am, I was not a happy camper. I begrudgingly got out of bed to take a shower and start getting ready before my morning of walking and working. I time my walks pretty well so I can leave as late as possible and still get to work slightly early. But this also means that once i'm out the door and three blocks down, I can't turn back around to get my inhaler...which I inevitably forgot. By the way it was looking, I was not expecting a very good morning. 

But then I got to the school and everything changed. Each morning is basically the same. With the exception of minute changes, there's the same group of kids each morning and they all tend to gravitate toward the same activity day after day. This makes my job a whole lot easier. One of the kinders who joins us in the mornings (and afternoons) is kind of a difficult child. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love working with him and have been able to make a connection with this kid that I wasn't expecting. This morning, Thomas* asked when I was coming over to his house for a play date. This warmed my heart. Obviously, it's not only unprofessional, but slightly creepy for a person in my position to take him up on the offer. But the fact that he likes me enough to want to have a play date is just so gosh darn cute. 

Once it is time for the kids to go to class and start their school day, the bigger kids run off to join their friends, but we personally deliver each kinder to their perspective classroom. During this chaotic drop off time, I see a lot of kids and parents who are a part of the after school program. When you say hello to a kid right before drop off, one of three things happen: they hide in their parent's clothing, they wave and say "Hello Miss Camille," or they run up and give you a hug. Normally, after working with these kids and seeing them each morning, you get a feel for which kids are going to give you which greeting. Well, I said hello to Felicia* this morning, and instead of her normal sheepish smile and soft-spoken "hi," she ran up and gave me a hug. It was such a nice surprise and totally made me smile. 

After I dropped each kid off, I walked back to the office to find my boss talking to a mom. This mom is not only Thomas' mom, but she is a teacher at the school. Most teachers at the school have a TA, and for some reason, the program I work for does the TA paperwork. This teacher was complaining to my boss about her TA and how the paperwork isn't complete...yadda yadda yadda. All of a sudden, the teacher turns to me and asks, "you're looking for a TA job, right?" I replied that I was, had dropped off my resume to the front office for that specific reason, and have a huge gap in my day in which I am free. The look on her face was priceless. The turned to my boss and exclaimed, "I want her to be my TA! She's great with my sons and I could care less if this other TA works out because I would love to have her instead." It was such a wonderful feeling to know that this mom and teacher views me as someone who works well with kids, and someone who would be good for the job. Now, there's still a strong possibility that this won't actually happen...but it would be so amazing to TA for her. It would be such a wonderful opportunity and experience. Plus, I wouldn't have to walk so damn much anymore!

As I walked home, I couldn't help but smile because the morning I just had was nothing special to and outsider, but to me? To me, it was a beautiful morning. (~Cue song from Oklahoma~)

*It might sound stupid, but I've changed the names of the students. This is for their protection, and for mine. 

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