Tuesday, August 27, 2013

You're Gonna Hear Me be Brave

There's always controversy and comparisons in the music industry. People get riled up because "the beat sounds like..." or "the lyrics remind me of...." And when you listen to "Brave" by Sara Bareilles and then "Roar" by Katy Perry, they will remind you of each other. The beat is similar and the theme and lyrics point towards the same message. But in my life, they came out at perfect times...

When "Brave" came out, I was making the decision to move down to LA. I had told Kelsey my official answer, started looking for jobs in socal, and hadn't told my parents yet. I was terrified; it was a big decision to make on my own. So, listening to a song that urges you to "say what you want to say" and be brave helped me do just that. With this song constantly playing in my head, I was able to tell my parents about my move and be strong when I couldn't even get an interview for months. This song was the encouragement and reassurance that I was on the right path.

Now, the first time I heard "Roar," I was stunned at how much it sounded like "Brave." And my first instinct was to not like it. But I started hearing it on the radio, and it would get stuck in my head. Then, I would look it up and listen to it by choice on occasion... and eventually I bought it. Since then, I have been listening to it on repeat, singing along, belting it out and absolutely loving it. This song is all about self empowerment and proving to those around you and yourself that you are an awesome person. At one point in the song she says "I went from zero, to my own hero," and that stuck with me. I wouldn't say I am a hero (to myself or to others) by any means, but there was a time when I never thought I would be the friend that moved to LA. And recently, with everything going on in my life, it is nice to have an anthem that encourages self worth. 

Right about now, some of you might be thinking "....they're just songs" and you're absolutely right. But somehow these songs help me get through day to day and empower me to be a better me!

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