Saturday, August 1, 2015

Here's to My Girls

Everyone has seen "body positive" messages. It could be geared towards curvy girls OR skinny girls OR those who fall in between. And today, while scrolling through some of these posts on tumblr, I felt the need to say something. 

Here's to my girls, whatever your body type. Whether you're skinny, overweight, disproportionate or somewhere in between. You're perfect. Everyone has things they want to change about themselves. You could want to change your stomach or your eyebrows, your arms or your ass. It's okay to want to change things about yourself; it's also perfectly okay if you don't. But guess what? That doesn't mean you don't matter. It doesn't mean that someone else can't view you and your body as perfect. We all have different bodies, and we all admire different bodies. 

So instead of seeking out a specific group of women based on their body type, I'm calling on ALL women: you're perfect. 

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